Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wagons, Ho!

I find my own blog title to be vaguely demeaning.

I'm sitting in the Omaha Magis residence— the Convent— taking a quick break while I make my final preparations. It's been a hectic couple of days: finishing school, packing my things, moving to Omaha, unpacking my things, re-packing my things, hustling, bustling, so on and so forth. Not that this last week hasn't been filled with my fair share of fun: there was the Omaha BeerFest to attend, a birthday party, shopping, a haircut, a hike, etc. It wasn't all hustle and bustle.

The weather has been fair to good so far: so imagine my chagrin to wake up to a cool, drizzly, muddy first day of travels. It kind of takes the wind out of my sails. But my disappointment is somewhat misplaced: the weather in Yellowstone promises to be snowy for our camp-out and that, perhaps, is what is actually irritating me. Son-of-a-monkey! Well. At least the snakes will be less likely to drop by and say hey. Right?

These trepidations aside, I feel pretty good. My iPod is updating as I write, bags are being shuffled about importantly, and it's almost time to say "Heck with it," leave behind whatever we've forgotten, and hit the road.

I've already realized I've forgotten my pillow back in my dorm room.

Eh, heck with it. Time to go.



Overheard: "It is an ancient need to be told stories; but the story needs a great storyteller." - Alan Rickman
Gastric Shout-Out: Rodney Strong Cabernet Sauvignon
Listen To: Wagon Wheel, Old Crow Medicine Show